Bad Luck: anthology curated by Yuri Herrera
In the third Traviesa anthology, Yuri Herrera selects four contemporary stories dealing with bad luck. As he states in the prologue, "In the improbable event that is the reading of these beautiful texts, may each of you seek the meaning that best guides you through your chaotic piece of the universe." Don't miss these great stories by Iris García Cuevas (Mexico), Wilmer Urrelo (Bolivia), Fabián Casas (Argentina) and Elvira Navarro (Spain).

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Curation and Prologue:
Yuri Herrera (Mexico) - Cataclysms Everywhere __ Translated by Janet Hendrickson

Stories included:
Iris García Cuevas (Mexico) - Even if You Run __ Translated by Robin Myers
Wilmer Urrelo (Bolivia) - All Your Questions Answered About the Fascinating World of Termites, by E.G. Humberto Sacristán__ Translated by Annie McDermott
Fabián Casas (Argentina) - Ordinary Penance __ Translated by Lisa Carter
Elvira Navarro (España) - Toothache __ Translated by Janet Hendrickson

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"I’ve had the good fortune to bring together texts from four of the best Spanish-language writers of their generation. The four stories in this slim volume are devices for discovering how misfortune operates within us. If we read carefully we’ll discover that a piano falling on our heads sometimes dismantles and sometimes plays a spontaneous concert, that bad luck is brittle and irregular."

(From Yuri Herrera's Prologue)