Visionaries: anthology curated by Alberto Chimal
In this Traviesa anthology, Mexican writer Alberto Chimal selects four contemporary stories that explore the fantastic imagination. Readers travel to an ancient Sodom on the verge of destruction, to a 19th century England filled with robots and books, back and forth between the past and present of an imaginary Cuba, and through psychedelic gardens with hallucinating plants. Don't miss the curator's prologue and stories by Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel (Spain), Ana María Shua (Argentina), Yoss (Cuba), and Verónica Murguía (Mexico).

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Curation and Prologue:
Alberto Chimal

Stories included:
Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel (Spain) - The Dream of the Monster __ Translated by Annie McDermott
Ana María Shua (Argentina) - Collection__ Translated by Steven J. Stewart
Yoss (Cuba) - Point at the Past, Pull the Trigger__ Translated by María José Giménez and Chris Schafenacker
Verónica Murguía (Mexico) - Lot's Wife__ Translated by Lisa Carter

Cover design: Lucía Menéndez
Cover photo: Claudia Menéndez

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"These texts are a representative sample of a bold breed of thought and creation in our language, and also of one of its most vital and long-lived strains."

(From Alberto Chimal's' Prologue)