
Katya Adaui (Lima, 1977)
Has published the story collections Un accidente llamado familia (2007), Algo se nos ha escapado (2011) and Leer es viajar (2012).

Daniel Alarcón (Lima, 1977)
Has published the story collection War by Candlelight (2005) and the novels Lost City Radio (2007) and At Night we Walk in Circles (2013).

Selva Almada (Entre Ríos, 1973)
Has published the story collections Niños (2005) and Una chica de provincia (2007), and the novel El viento que arrasa (2012).

Juan Álvarez (Bogotá, 1978)
Has published the story collection Falsas alarmas (2005) and the novel C. M. no récord.
[Finds] [A day in the life]

Jon Lee Anderson (California, 1957)
Among others, has published Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life (1997), The Lion's Grave: Dispatches from Afghanistan (2002), and he Fall of Baghdad (2004).

Sebastián Antezana (Mexico City, 1982)
Has published the novels La toma del manuscrito
(2008) and El amor según (2011).

Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, 1970)
Among others, has published the story collections Origami de letras (2003) and Avalancha (2010), and the novels Los documentados (2005) and Caparazones (Salir del armario) (2010).

Andrés Barba (Madrid, 1975)
Among others, has published the novels La hermana de Katia (2001), Versiones de Teresa (2006), Agosto, Octubre (2010) and Ha dejado de llover (2012).

Maximiliano Barrientos (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1979)
Has published the story collections Los daños (2006), Diario (2009) and Fotos tuyas cuando empiezas a envejecer (2011), and the short novel Hoteles (2011).

Guillermo Barquero (San José, 1979)
Has published the story collection La corona de espinas (2005) and the novel El diluvio universal (2009).

Gabriela Bejerman (Buenos Aires, 1973)
Among others, has published the poetry collections Crin (2001) and Pendejo (2002), and the novels Presente perfecto (2004) and Linaje (2009).

Mario Bellatín (Ciudad de México, 1960)
Among others, has published the novel Salón de belleza (1994), El jardín de la señora Murakami (2000), Lecciones para una liebre muerta (2005) and El libro uruguayo de los muertos (2012).

Álvaro Bisama (Valparaíso, 1975)
Among others, has published the novels Caja negra (2006) and Ruido (2012), and non-fiction books Zona cero (2003) and Postales urbanas (2006).
[Anthology: Messiah] [Exchange]

Rodrigo Blanco Calderón (Caracas, 1981)
Has published the story collections Una larga fila de hombres (2005), Los invencibles (2007) and Las rayas (2011).

Inés Bortagaray (Salto, 1975)
Has published the story collection Ahora tendré que matarte (2001) and the novel Prontos, listos, ya (2006). She co-wrote the feature films Una novia errante (2006) and Mujer conejo (2011).

Lolita Bosch (Barcelona, 1970)
Among others, has published the novels Tres historias europeas (2005), La persona que fuimos (2006), La familia de mi padre (2008) and Esto que ves es un rostro (2008).

Andrés Burgos (Medellín, 1973)
Among others, has published the story collection La gente casi siempre (2000), and the novels Manual de pelea (2004), Nunca en cines (2005) and Mudanza (2007).

Félix Bruzzone (Buenos Aires, 1976)
Has published the story collection 76 (2008) and the novels Los topos (2008) and Barrefondo (2010).
[A day in the life] [Antología padres sin hijos]

Martín Caamaño (Buenos Aires, 1980)
Has published the novel Pálido reflejo (2010).

Marc Caellas (Barcelona, 1974)
He is a theatre director. Has published the essay Carcelona (2012).

Martín Caparrós (Buenos Aires, 1957)
Among others, has published the novels Valfierno (2004) and Los Living (2011), and the nonfiction books Larga distancia (1992) and Una luna (2009).

Juan Sebastián Cárdenas (Popayán, 1978)
Has published the story collection Carreras delictivas (2006) and the novels Zumbido (2010) and Los estratos (2013).
[A day in the life] [Exchange] [Anthology: Tooth and Nail]

Jorge Carrión (Tarragona, 1976)
Among others, has published the novel Los muertos (2010), the travel book Australia. Un viaje (2008) and the essays Teleshakespeare (2011) and Librerías (2013).

Fabián Casas (Buenos Aires, 1965)
Among others, has published the poetry collections El salmón (1996) and El spleen de Boedo (2004), the story collection Los Lemmings (2005) and the novel Ocio (2000).
[Interview] [Anthology Bad Luck]

Martín Felipe Castagnet (La Plata, 1986)
Has published the novel Los cuerpos del verano (2013).

Horacio Castellanos Moya (Tegucigalpa, 1957)
Among others, has published the story collection Con la congoja de la pasada tormenta (1995) and the novels El Asco. Thomas Bernhard en El Salvador (1997), Insensatez (2004) and La sirvienta y el luchador (2011).

Ariadna Castellarnau (Llérida, 1979)
Is currently working on the short story collection Quema and in her first novel.

Matías Correa (Santiago, 1982)
Has published the novels Geografía de lo inútil (2011) and Autoayuda (2014).

Horacio Cavallo (Montevideo, 1977)
Among others, has published the novels Oso de trapo (2008) and Fabril (2009), the children's novel El jorobado de las alas enormes (2012) and the book of poetry El revés asombrado de la ocarina (2006).

Mercedes Cebrián (Madrid, 1971)
Among others, has published the poetry and story collection El malestar al alcance de todos (2004), the poetry collections Mercado Común (2006) and Sala de máquinas (2009), and two short novels included in La nueva taxidermia (2011).

Israel Centeno (Caracas, 1958)
Among others, has published the novels Calletania (1992), Iniciaciones (2006), Exilio en Bowery (1997) and Bajo las hojas (2010).

Luis Chaves (San José, 1979)
Among others, has published the poetry collections Los animales que imaginamos (2008), Chan Marshall (2005) and Monumentos ecuestres (2011), and the novel Salvapantallas (2014).

Miguel Antonio Chávez (Guayaquil, 1979)
Has published the short story collection Círculo vicioso para principiantes (2005), and the novels La maniobra de Heimlich (2010) and Conejo ciego en Surinam (2013).

Sergio Chejfec (Buenos Aires, 1956)
Among others, has published the novels Lenta biografía (1990), Los plantes (1999) and Mis dos mundos (2007), and the collection of stories Modo linterna (2013).

Alberto Chimal (Toluca, 1970).
Among others, has published the story collections El país de los hablistas (2001) and Grey (2006), and the novels Los esclavos (2009) and La torre y el jardín (2012).

Oliverio Coelho (Buenos Aires, 1977)
Among others, has published the novels Los invertebrables (2003), Borneo (2004), Ida (2008) and Un hombre llamado Lobo (2011).

Liliana Colanzi (Santa Cruz, 1981)
Has published the short story collection Vacaciones permanentes (2010).

Alejandra Costamagna (Santiago, 1970)
Among others, has published the story collections Últimos fuegos (2005) and Animales domésticos (2011), and the novels En voz baja (1996) and Dile que no estoy (2007).
[A day in the life] [Anthology Childless Parents]

Sergio del Molino (Madrid, 1979)
Among others, has published the novels No habrá más enemigo (2012, )La hora violeta (2013) and Lo que a nadie le importa (2014).

Francisco Díaz Klaassen (Santiago, 1984)
Has published the story collections Antología del cuento nuevo chileno (2009), El hombre sin acción (2011) and
Cuando éramos jóvenes (2013).

Ignacio Echevarría (Barcelona, 1960)
Has published the collections of essays and reviews Trayecto. Un recorrido crítico por la reciente narrativa española (2005), Desvíos. Un recorrido crítico por la reciente narrativa latinoamericana (2006) and Los libros esenciales de la literatura en español (2011).

Maurice Echeverría (Guatemala City, 1976)
Has published the poetry collections Los falsos millonarios (2010) and Encierro y divagación en tres espacios y un anexo (2011), the novel Diccionario esotérico (2006) and the short story collection Por lo menos (2013).

Álvaro Enrigue (México DF, 1969)
Among others, has published the novels La muerte de un instalador (1996), Vidas perpendiculares (2008) and Decencia (2011), and the essay Valiente clase media (2013).

Diego Erlan (San Miguel de Tucumán, 1979)
Has published the novel El amor nos destrozará (2012).

Federico Falco (Córdoba, 1977)
Among others, has published the poetry collection Made in China (2008), the story collections 222 patitos (2004), La hora de los monos (2010), and the novel Cielos de Córdoba (2011).

Gustavo Faverón (Lima, 1966)
Among others, has published the novel El anticuario (2010) and the essay Contra la alegoría. Hegemonía y disidencia en la literatura latinoamericana del siglo XIX (2011). He has also co-edited the book Bolaño Salvaje (2008).

Nona Fernández (Santiago, 1971)
Among others, has published the story collection El cielo (2000) and the novels Mapocho (2002), Av. 10 de Julio Huamachuco (2007) and Space Invaders (2013).

Emilio Fraia (São Paulo, 1982)
Has published the novel O verão do Chibo (2008), co-written with Vanessa Barbara.

Alberto Fuguet (Santiago, 1964)
Among others, has published the story collection Cortos (2004) and the novels Mala onda (1991), Tinta roja (1996) and Missing (una investigación) (2009).

Antonio García Ángel (Cali, 1972)
Has published the story collection Animales domésticos (2010) and the novels Su casa es mi casa (2001) and Recursos humanos (2006).

Margarita García Robayo (Cartagena, 1980)
Among others, has published the story collections Hay ciertas cosas que una no puede hacer descalza (2009) and Orquídeas (Nudista, 2012), and the novels Hasta que pase un huracán (2012) and Lo que no aprendí (2013).

Margo Glantz (Ciudad de México, 1930)
Among others, has published Las genealogías (1981), Síndrome de naufragios (1984), El rastro (2002) and Coronada de moscas (2012).

Iris García Cuevas (Acapulco, 1977) has published the play Basta morir (2008), the story collection Ojos que no ven, corazón desierto (2009) and the novel 36 toneladas (2012).

Leila Guerriero (Junín, 1967)
Has published the non-fiction books Los suicidas del fin del mundo (2005), Frutos extraños (crónicas reunidas 2001-2008) (2009) and Plano americano (2013).

Betina González (Buenos Aires, 1972)
Has published the story collection Juegos de playa (2008) and the novels Arte menor (2006) and Las poseídas (2012).
[Finds] [Anthology Extreme Fiction]

Javier González (Bogotá, 1967)
Currently working on his first novel.

Rafael Gumucio (Santiago, 1970)
Among others, has published the non-fiction books Monstruos cardinales (2002) and La situación (2012), and the novels Comedia nupcial (2002) and La deuda (2009).

Federico Guzmán Rubio (Ciudad de México, 1977)
Has published the story collection Los andantes (2010) and the novel Será mañana (2012).
[Anthology Bad Luck] [Finds]

Eduardo Halfon (Ciudad de Guatemala, 1971)
Among others, has published the story collections Esto no es una pipa, Saturno (2003), Siete minutos de desasosiego (2007), El boxeador polaco and Mañana nunca lo hablamos (2011).

Iosi Havilio (Buenos Aires, 1974)
Has published the novels Opendoor (2006), Estocolmo (2010) and Paraísos (2012).

Claudia Hernández (San Salvador, 1975)
Has published the story collections Otras ciudades (2001), Medio día de frontera (2002), Olvida uno (2005) and De fronteras (2007).

Yuri Herrera (Actopan, 1970)
Has published the novels Trabajos del reino (2004), Señales que precederán al fin del mundo (2009) and La transmigración de los cuerpos (2012).
[A day in the life] [Anthology: Bad Luck]

Martín Kohan (Buenos Aires, 1967)
Among others, has published the story collection Una pena extraordinaria (1998) and the novels La pérdida de Laura (1993), Ciencias morales (2007) and Bahía Blanca (2012).

Carlos Labbé (Santiago, 1977)
Has published the story collection Caracteres blancos (2010) and the novels Libro de plumas (2004), Navidad y matanza (2007) and Locuela (2009).

Luciano Lamberti (Córdoba, 1978)
Has published the story collections El asesino de chanchos (2010) and El loro que podia adivinar el futuro (2012), and the book of poetry San Francisco, Córdoba (2008).

Rafael Lemus (Ciudad de México, 1977)
Essayist and literary critic. Has published the collection of short stories Informes (2008).

Brenda Lozano (1981)
Has published the novel Todo nada (2009).

Valeria Luiselli (Mexico City, 1983)
Has published the collection of essays Papeles falsos (2010), and the novels Los ingrávidos (2011) and La historia de mis dientes (2013).

Tryno Maldonado (Zacatecas, 1977)
Has published the story collection Temas y variaciones (2002) and the novels Viena roja (2005), Temporada de caza para el león negro (2009) and Teoría de las catástrofes (2012).

Natalia Mardero (Montevideo, 1975)
Has published the books Posmonauta (2001), Guía para un Universo (2004) and Gato en el ropero y otros haikus (2012).

Esteban Mayorga (Quito, 1977)
Has published the story collections Un cuento violento (2007) and Musculosamentee (2012), and the short novel Vita Frunis (2008).

Élmer Mendoza (Culiacán, 1949)
Among others, has published the novels Un asesino solitario (1999), Balas de plata (2008), Nombre de perro (2012) and El misterio de la orquídea Calavera (2014).

Ronaldo Menéndez (La Habana, 1970)
Among others, has published the story collections El derecho al pataleo de los ahorcados (1997) and De modo que esto es la muerte (2002), and the novelsLa piel de Inesa (1999) and Río Quibú (2008).

Lina Meruane (Santiago, 1970)
Among others, has published the novels Póstuma (2000), Cercada (2000), Fruta podrida (2007) and Sangre en el ojo (2012).

Emiliano Monge (México City, 1978)
Has published the story collection Arrastrar esa sombra (2008) and the novels Morirse de memoria (2010) and El cielo árido (2012).
[A day in the life] [Exchange]

Cristina Morales (Granada, 1985)
Has published the novel Los combatientes (2013), and the short story collection La merienda de las niñas (2008).

Natalia Moret (Buenos Aires, 1978)
Has published the novel Un publicista en apuros (2012).

Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel (Malaga, 1975)
Among others, has published the story collections 88 Mill Lane (2006) and De mecánica y alquimia (2009), and the novels El asesino hipocondríaco (2012) and El sueño del otro (2013).

Verónica Murguía (Mexico City, 1960)
Among others, has published the story collection El Ángel de Nicolás (2003), the children’s novel Ladridos y conjuros (2009), and the novels El fuego verde (1999) and Loba (2013).

Elvira Navarro (Huelva, 1978)
Has published the story collection La ciudad en invierno (2007) and the novel La ciudad feliz (2009).
[Anthology Bad Luck] [A Day in the Life]

Ezio Neyra (1980)
Has published the novels Habrá que hacer algo mientras tanto (2005), Todas mis muertes (2006), and Tsunami (2012).

Sergio Olguín (Buenos Aires, 1967)
Among others, has published the novels Filo (2003), Oscura monótona sangre (2010) and La fragilidad del cuerpo (2012), and the story collection Las griegas (1998).

Javier Payeras (Guatemala City, 1974)
Among others, has published the poetry collections Postits de luz sucia (2009) and Déjate caer (2012), and the novels Ruido de fondo (2003) and Limbo (2011).

Edmundo Paz Soldán (Cochabamba, 1967)
Among others, has published the story collections Amores imperfectos (1998) and Billie Ruth (2012), and the novels Los vivos y los muertos (2009) and Norte (2012).

Patricio Pron (Rosario, 1975)
Among others, has published the story collections El mundo sin las personas que lo afean y arruinan (2010) and La vida interior de las plantas de interior (2013), and the novels El comienzo de la primavera (2008) and El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia (2011).

Pilar Quintana (Cali, 1972)
Has published the novels Cosquillas en la lengua (2003), Coleccionista de polvos raros (2007) and Conspiración iguana (2009).

Mónica Ríos (Santiago, 1978)
Has published the novels Segundos (2010) and Alias el Rocío (2014).

Cristina Rivera Garza (Matamoros, 1964)
Among others, has published the story collection Ningún reloj cuenta esto (2002) and the novels Nadie me verá llorar (1999), La muerte me da (2007) and El mal de la traiga (2012).

Giovanna Rivero (Santa Cruz, 1972)
Has published the novels Los camaleones (2001) and Tukson, historias colaterales (2008) and, among others, the story collections Dueños de la arena (2005) and Sangre dulce (2006).

Juan Pablo Roncone (Arica, 1982)
Has published the story collection Hermano ciervo (2011).

Hernán Ronsino (Chivilcoy, 1975)
Has published the novels La descomposición (2007), Glaxo (2009), and Lumbre (2013).

Daniel Saldaña París (México City, 1984)
Has published the poetry collection La máquina autobiográfica (2012) and the novel En medio de extrañas víctimas (2013).
[Exchange] [Anthology: Tooth and Nail]

Andrea Salgado (Sevilla, Valle del Cauca, 1977)
Has published the collection of non-fiction La lectora de lágrimas (2010). Is currently working on her first novel.

Ramiro Sanchíz (Montevideo, 1978)
Among others, has published Perséfone (2009), Vampiros porteños, sombras solitarias (2010), Nadie recuerda a Mlejnas (2011) and Los viajes (2012).

Carolina Sanín (Bogotá, 1973)
Among others, has published the novels Los niños (2014) and Todo en otra parte (2005), and the short story collections Ponqué y otros cuentos (2010) and Yosoyu (2013).
[Anthology: Tooth and Nail] [I remember]

Samanta Schweblin (Buenos Aires, 1978)
Has published the story collections El núcleo del disturbio (2002) and Pájaros en la boca (2009).

Ricardo Silva Romero (Bogotá, 1975)
Among others, has published the novels Relato de Navidad en La Gran Vía (2001), Tic (2003), Autogol (2009) and Érase una vez en Colombia (2012).

Ana María Shua (Buenos Aires, 1951)
Among others, has published the collections of microfiction Casa de geishas (1992) and Fenómenos de circo (2011), and the novels El libro de los recuerdos (1994) and El peso de la tentación (2007).

Andrés Felipe Solano (Bogotá, 1977)
Has published the novels Sálvame, Joe Louis (2007) and Los hermanos Cuervo (2012).

Damián Tabarovsky (Buenos Aires, 1967)
Among others, has published the essay Literatura de izquierda (2004) and the novels Fotos movidas (1992), La expectativa (2006) and Una belleza vulgar (2011).

Alejandro Torún (Guatemala City)
Currently working on his first short story collection.

Diego Trelles Paz (Lima, 1978)
Has published the story collection Hudson el redentor (2001) and the novelsEl círculo de los escritores asesinos (2005) and Bioy (2012).

Daniela Tarazona (Ciudad de México, 1975)
Has published the novels El animal sobre la piedra (2008) and El beso de la liebre (2012), and the essay Clarice Lispector (2009).

Fernanda Trías (Montevideo, 1977)
Has published the novels La azotea (2001), Cuadernos para un solo ojo (2002) and Bienes muebles (2013).

Claudia Ulloa Donoso (Lima, 1979)
Has published the short story collection El pez que aprendió a caminar (2006).

Antonio Ungar (Bogotá, 1974)
Has published the story collection Trece circos y otros cuentos comunes (1997) and the novels Zanahorias voladoras (2004), Las orejas del lobo (2006) and Tres ataúdes blancos (2010).

Wilmer Urrelo Zárate (La Paz, 1975)
Has published the novels Mundo negro (2000), Fantasmas asesinos (2006) y Hablar con los perros (2011).
[Place] [Anthology: Bad Luck]

Hernán Vanoli (Buenos Aires, 1980)
Has published the story collection Varadero Habana Maravillosa (2009) and the novels Pinamar (2010) and Las Mellizas del Bardo (2012).

Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez (California, 1966)
Has recently completed two manuscripts, Esperando en el Lost and Found (novel) and Estampas de Califas (short stories).

Antonio Villarruel (Quito, 1983)
Has published stories, essays, and the book of criticism Ciudad y derrota: Memoria Urbana Liminar en la Narrativa Hispanoamericana Contemporánea. He directed the documentary Versiones de la Vecindad, on Carlos Monsiváis.

Juan Villoro (Ciudad de México, 1956)
Among others, has published the novels El disparo de Argón (1991), Materia dispuesta (1997) and El testigo (2004), and the short story collection La casa pierde (1999).

Carlos Wynter Melo (Ciudad de Panamá, 1971)
Among others, has published the story collections El escapista (1999), Desnudo y otros cuentos (2001), Invisible (2005) and El niño que tocó la Luna (2006).

Antônio Xerxenesky (Porto Alegre, 1984)
Has published the story collections Entre (2006) and A página assombrada por fantasmas (2011), and the novel Areia nos dentes (2008).

Yoss (Havana, 1969)
Among others, has published Se alquila un planeta (2001), Al final de la senda (2003), Plumas de león (2007) and Super Extra Grande (2012).

Carlos Yushimito (Lima, 1978)
Has published the story collections Las islas (2006) and Lecciones para un niño que llega tarde (2011).
[Anthology: Messiah] [A Day in the Life]

Diego Zúñiga (Iquique, 1987)
Has published the novel Camanchaca (2010).